Ring Entry Program

“The Best Auction Clerking Software“- Anonymous

Animals are led into the auction ring, they are weighed on the scale and then auctioned off to the highest bidder.  A scale ticket is entered into the computer with all the pertinent sale information, such as the tag number or group tag number, the weight, a description of the animal, the winning bid amount, the name of who bought it and the pen number that the animal will be placed in.  That ticket is sold and the next scale ticket is shown. After the animal is sold, you can add on our penner program that helps assign the animal(s) to their pen(s). You can also add a second display to help those working the pen(s) see and know the pen number to put the animal(s) in. This is how our ring entry program works, accompanied by the penner program, making selling outside the office easy. With our display system added in your market will be professional looking and run that way also.

Features of our Ring Entry Program

  • Edit last ticket or any previous ticket

  • Combine multiple tickets

  • Weigh off an animal or group of animals

  • Send error tickets to the office

  • Scale integration

  • Current ticket information displays Kind, Sex, How Sold and Pricing for all livestock. Buyer and Seller information including the number of sold and unsold animals

  • All previous ticket information is displayed