Spring Cleaning

With Spring around the corner, it is always good to remember to clean your hardware! Below are some cleaning tips to keep your computer in the best condition!

To properly clean your computer, we suggest starting with a can of air. Open your computer by undoing the screw on the side. Once the side panel is off, blow the air into all the fans to remove the dust. After cleaning the fans, go ahead and blow around the whole case to insure there is no dirt or dust in tight places. Once completely blown out, go ahead and put the side panel back on. Once the side panel is screwed on, get some rubbing alcohol or cleaning wipes. Wipe down all the dirt on the outside of the computer. With all the dirt removed, blow the air into the USB ports on the front and back of the tower. Once completed, your computer should look as good as new!

Next thing to clean is your monitor, over time your monitor can pick up a lot of dirt. The best thing to clean your screen with is a microfiber cloth and screen cleaner. These products can be picked up at most stores. Once you have acquired what you need, spray the cleaner on the cloth and clean in a circular motion to keep away streaks. Once the screen is clean, proceed to wipe down the rest of the monitor.

One of the last things that is important to clean is your keyboard.

To clean your keyboard, it is best to start by turning it upside down and tapping it to remove loose debris. Once tapped out, get the can of air and spray in between the keys. If you think the keyboard is sticky, get some rubbing alcohol and a cloth and wipe the keys down. Once complete, your keyboard should feel as good as new.

These are our spring cleaning tips! if you need any help, just contact us at 903-628-0258.

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